Saturday, December 27, 2008

Betta Fish Tank Water

What is the best kind of water to use in your betta fish tank?

Some people do not believe it but the best water to use in your betta fish tank is tap water. Bottled and distilled water has been “purified” and does not have the minerals that your Betta fish needs. If your tap water is so bad that you do not even drink it, than use spring water. To use tap water or spring water, follow the directions below:

1) Find out if your local tap water is treated with chloramines, if it is you will need to buy AmQuel from the pet store.

2) Pre treat the water with a product called “stress coat” according to the directions. (You can buy “stress coat” at your local pet store too)

3) After the water is treated according to package directions, let it sit in an open container for up to a week, which allows all of the chemicals and gasses to evaporate and for the pH in the water to normalize.

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