Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Betta Fish Can Live With Guppies

I was in the pet section of a large retailer when I heard someone upset that a betta fish was in the same tank as other fish because she thought they could only be keep alone. I told her that betta fish can never be kept with other betta fish because they will fight to the death and that is where the name Siamese fighting fish comes from. Betta fish can be in the same tank as algae eaters, guppies (pictured below) or corydorus catfish safely.

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At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a platy not a guppy

At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so untrue. It is NOT 100% certain that a betta can live with a guppy. It really depends upon the betta.

I have a male betta who is big and beautiful. HE HAD NEVER HURT OR CHASED MY GUPPIES. When I bought his a small female yesterday, overnight, she killed two of my 3 guppies and ate most of their tails off.

Before taking her out of the 6.6 gallon tank I have, I noticed that she tried to pull something with my male betta-- when she did, he immediately responded with similar aggression and backed her into a corner.

Unfortunately, the two little guys I lost because of here, were neither as large, or as quick as my male betta.


Bettas are a very special kind of aquarium fish...and, unless you get lucky and have a sweet one like my Aztec..FORGET ABOUT HAVING GUPPIES, OR THE LIKE WITH THEM.

My wife suggested we bring her to my office and add her to our dwarf frogs home...oh way...they would probably ended up being dinner.

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Betta Fish said...

There are more than a couple different fish in that picture, including a betta fish, guppy, platy and I think I see a goldfish tail!

In every fish tank you have fish that are abnormaly aggressive or gentle, so every situation is different.

At 1:02 AM, Anonymous suroz said...

I think it's not a guppy indeed...

At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Shari said...

We have had lots of Bettas and they have all lived in a community tank with a lot of different fish species. We never had any trouble with them. They would sometimes get aggressive with certain fish, but not any problems beyond just chasing them a few times.

At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have two different tanks and in my 20 gallon tank I have a Betta and three platys along with an algae eater. In the 75 gallon I have a Betta, four dwarf gourami's, two regular gourami's, three tiger barbs, and a pluco. I have no problems in either tank. Both of my male Betta's are quite attached to their friends.

At 1:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a betta in my community tank as well. I have a 40 gallon with a pleco an albino cory a apple snail, an australian ranbow, 5 scissor-tailed rasboras, 3 guppies a platy and a serpae tetra. They get along great,(the serpae tetra, the platy and the australian rainbow are lonely from time to time but they are the last of their individual schools and I've had them for about 5 years so they don't have much longer to go). In any case there was the fiasco i had with the killer angel fish that destroyed my poor betta i had when i was a kid so yes i would be wary of having them anywhere near ciclids (except dwarf gouramis so i've heard).

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Tonybony76 said...

Just had to take my beta out of my 5 gallon. Had the tank for about 2 years and other fish have come and gone but the betta stays. Pretty sure it's been taking out the other fish by getting at their tails. It definitely chases them which at the very least makes for a stressful environment. It's in solitary now.

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Tonybony76 said...

Just had to take my beta out of my 5 gallon. Had the tank for about 2 years and other fish have come and gone but the betta stays. Pretty sure it's been taking out the other fish by getting at their tails. It definitely chases them which at the very least makes for a stressful environment. It's in solitary now.


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